COVID-19 and Importance of a Website

Digital reliance is at a high!! 

Covid-19 pandemic has changed our daily routines. Social distancing is the new normal and the internet has played a critical role in keeping us connected to the outside world 

According to the preliminary statistics published by Forbes, internet hits have surged by 50% to 70%. A study on media consumption says that online media intake has surged by more than 4 to 5 hours since the COVID-19 lockdown, in comparison to the average of 1.5 hours in the pre-corona times. 

With end-users remaining indoors and spending more time on digital platforms, it is important that you as a business owner match this demand with a website that’s relevant and easy to navigate. 

As many of the physical business spaces remained closed for with uncertainty on future, Internet is the only thing that will forever remain open. In pre-Covid days a strong online presence was simply a major plus, it is now a dire necessity.  

Your website is most likely your main outlet for brand representation and a source of sales, leads generation and various other business required things…. making it a key component in the survival and growth of your business during these difficult times. 

Just because there are less or no footfalls in your premises doesn’t mean there are no customers, they just change the way to consume information. Consumers in general are being driven globally towards a digital platform and away from an in-person purchase 

if you’re not already online then it’s time you hop on board. Even if COVID-19 hasn’t affected your business directly, it will in the future as the long-term effects on consumerism continues to favour to the already expanding platform of online businesses. If you’re not online to grab that sale, your competitors most definitely are. 

It is still not late to get noticed 

Reference sites

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